An, insignificant, petite, triumph, story... (No Tor Proxy Robots Allowed!).


 Spamming, get out and


(27 June 2018: the above video, with a YouTube deletion, cannot be deleted from the blog, since it plays a key structural role. Thank you).

                              Defeat The Robots!


Bravo "Cloudflare"!

#8 22:50 Athens GMT (+02:00). The enemy is tough. From now on there will be radio silence and blackout. 


Just one spam visit!



Thank's God!

(Today, not even one!).


By maximizing the shields protection we arrived at the advisable point of the zero spamming. There is just a slight possibility for the spammers in the rare, but existing, case, when the reCaptcha shield is not activated.

After this success, I will withdraw the second shield of the "adult content" warning to see what will happen, ready to re-energize it if necessary.

After all, a very annoying sound is coming on, (the warning for the Syncro Blog Heresy), before the label warning  for the "sudden noise" may be visible. (Complications of a multiple functioning multi warnings system...).

Thank you for your patience.  


A second day without any spam at all!

It seems that everything is working properly and the next day can be creative and without anxiety.


This, insignificant, petite, triumph, against spamming, story,  becomes sticky in the main menu.

The Syncro Heresy