What's new.

(Thanks God!).

Fight board


Familiar to my Syncroventions?

Tesla is smiling.

T.v. antenna unlike
any other,
floating valves not giving feedback
to each other.

No missing signals
from the air,
no blurred signals
on the air.

Tesla is smiling. (From there).

Beeps and bums 
and burning lights,
smokes and thunders
and delights,

currents, voltages
through air,
sparks and arcs
but no despair.

Tesla is smiling. (From there).

Yesterday a burning light
flawlessly hovering at night,
a message carrying to the site:

"Tesla is smiling". (From height).

The Syncro Heresy

07 April 2020

Coronavirus passport.

Any, exclusive, id, 
to break any quarantine?

Wanted halogens or leds,
wanted xenons or experts,
able to make any of these,
twin, triplet, forced aircooled, id's?

Since never-ever these,
clarity and colories,
will be under of the hood,
of any car running the route,

these airforced triplet id's,
exclusively for the b3's,
now are the only, needed, id's,
to break any quarantines!

The Syncro Heresy


 21 July 2021 

#1 Nemesis!
(Scroll down, please). 

04 July 2022

#2 Nemesis!
(Scroll down, please).

08 January 2025
A heresy without enemies? It will be a fake heresy!
Today on, the sites which delete the heresy's messages will be referred into the next catalogue:
#1 pronews.gr 

#2 jalopnik.com

#3 el.gr

What's new:
 November 2023
There is a fake crash  test  between  a t5 and a cannibalized t3.
It is a video in the Youtube.

It is a very strange situation, because it seems that an hidden entity is trying to slander the t3?

Is it because the price is going upwards, continuously, especially the Syncro, against the newer models?

This test, as it is said by a Youtube reader, and, as I can prove, is not one with the t3 into normal construction and, rather, with Takata shrapnel airbags for the t5.

Of course never these tests are with a working engine but, instead, a catapult is used, so the tremendous safety point, in the real life crash tests, which a t3 has without any fuel line near the occupants is, systematically, ignored and my comments deleted.

More asap.


08 January 2024


Some people, (from various countries), attack the blog the last few months.

The cloudflare gives me a lot of weapons to stop it and they are valuable.

I tried to block an IP, to block a country, to activate the “fight the bot” mode or to activate the “under attack” mode.

Everything works perfectly!

So, for the moment, I choose two weapons, only, (that is why you see a challenge when you are trying to get in and a yellow alert gif for the fight mode), but it is very easy to activate more. It is funny isn’t it?

Have a Happy New Year!


09 January 2024


As I told you into my previous post, a very questionable crash test, fulfilled by a Swiss insurance company called ¨ΑΧΑ¨ is under investigation.


My research illuminates some novel manners for the automotive ideas: ¨ΑΧΑ¨ introduces fake crash tests! At least for one of them, officially, they admitted that it was fake!


The crash test, which attracted my attention is between a VW T3,  (2WD, which is an important distinction, for this combination), vs a VW T5, made in ¨ΑΧΑ¨.


But, firstly, let me show to you the prism through which, here in the Syncro Heresy, we see it.


Here is the fake crash test, (fake as ¨ΑΧΑ¨ officially recognizes it):

And here “AXA” apologizes:

Fake fire at crash show: AXA apologizes – “No damage to the underbody”

After the crash test, AXA admitted to 24auto.de that the electric car had been manipulated.

 The batteries were removed and the Tesla was ignited using pyrotechnics. (Blog’s underlying).

 Now, again in response to a specific request from 24auto.de, the insurance company also had to revoke the last alleged risk of electric cars: the dangerous damage to the underbody after crossing a traffic island with a risk to the batteries did not even exist.





Now let me to introduce to you what all the syncronauts are waiting for: t3(2wd), vs t5, AXA crash test!!!


Someone says that he knows something strange about this AXA crash test:




Of course this is not enough to admit that this crash test is not... hmm... accurate also, so we have to elaborate, (a little bit).



18 January 2024









I am glad to announce that, a  Vanagon Syncro modification, with upgraded active and passive safety, is designed and, partially, ready for implementation, privately, DIY, for anyone who would like it: the  VW Vanagon Syncro mkII by Hellenic Vanagon.



21 February 2023


A lot of research and preparation, in syncro mode, with inspiration, is the guide.  




The road on the rocky mountain...

Digging for the road on the rocky mountain, the explosives fell short and the high-tec excavators overheated early!

Now we have, just, the fireworks and the inspiration...

The crew of a non crew mission.

22 February 2023


So...here we are and some changes are in effect from now on:


#1 All the inventions/syncroventions will take an identity number, (a random invention’s number / day/ month/ year), for easy reference.


#2  As a reminder for the AI stupidity, (for the moment at least), in accordance to an infinite number of multi named Phds, a question for a solution to a problem will be given to some AI entity.


The first  answers, to given problems, are for laughs really!
08 August 2024
Hello my friends!  So loaded with duties, it was was impossible, for the last months , to communicate with you through the Heresy.
From now on, it seems, that I will be able to give you a lot of subjects, with a better frequency.
For a first step I will give you a missing, NHTSA,  video of the introductory crash test, at 1990, for the U.S.A., without airbags!
NHTSA b3 crash test , (scroll down, please).
Many more are coming! 
09 August 2024
Haldex vs Syncro? No comparison!  (Scroll down, please).
The notorious spiral supercharger, glader, generation III: opened at 70000, from brand new, (not refurbished), used for daily driving, (not races), with 68 m.m. pulley, (smaller than the oem, causing more wear), under the protection of synthetic oil, (mainly Redline with esters).
The Shocking Truth:

No Wear at All!
Many more are coming! 
12 August 2024
(Scroll down, please). 
20 August 2024
  Passat b3/b4 head units: My thesis statement.
(Scroll down, please).

05 October 2024
Unfortunately, (and happily), the last year is a period with a tremendous load of work to do, so there is only little time for my blog called, (happily), "The Syncro Heresy".
Trying to be consistent to my  words, today, I present you an invention which is, just, a gadget, meaning that nobody is going to be unhappy not having it.
From now on my inventions /syncroventions will be coded using a system  letters and numbers. 
Starting  today, my inventions will have  a title, a serial number, SV/NS code, (Syncrovention/Not Syncrovention),   the date of the introduction and a multitude number.
when a candle is burning, especially a fat one, a crater is formed exactly beneath the flame. The result is a less than optimum luminosity and use of the material. In extreme cases, many days after the first use, the candle cannot be used any more  and must be cleaned up in order  to have an operational wick again.
So here it is the "No crater Burning Candle, 01 NS 05 October 2024":


The one on the right is a common candle having some hours of burning. The other one on the left is  many days of use after, into a plastic tube, where the flame becomes invisible, buried into  a deep crater, by one exception: the present invention.

Dedicated to our Creator.

The no emissions mission: The plasma Jet, Surface Discharge, Kinked Arc Spark Plugs, ignition.

 For those who do not remember, I am referred to this:

 Which, in order to work perfectly, needs these:

A, permanently, oiled distributor cap
a copper substitute of the distributor brush.

 07 October 2024
It is very premature to talk about measurements but a sneak peek is not forbidden, ( I hope).
Here are the the specs, (Wikipedia):

 The first column are the Co emissions. For a euro 1 car the limit is 2.72, (with catalytic converter), and for a euro 6 car the limit is 1.0, (with catalytic converter).
My g60 is a euro 1 car and when it measured with catalysts, (two in parallel), and without the plasma ignition, it gave these results:

 Idling: 0.43% CO
2500 rpm: 0.25% CO

Measured without the two catalysts and with the surface discharge plasma ignition it gave these:

 Idling: 0.01% CO
2500 rpm: 0% CO

 01 November 2024


No comments! 
(For the moment).

17 Jannuary 2025
35 years after, here is my solution for the, fragile, Corrado/Passat/Golf /Jetta, g60 rear right, hydraulic, engine  mount:
(Scroll down please).

 18 January 2025

The content of the "surface discharge ignition" page is lost for ever!
Any way, after years of development and research, the tries for a no emissions petrol g60 engine are fruitful and you can see the last edition of them, (only), here.
23 January 2025

Perfect fuel discovered for the first time in history: It’s not electricity, not hydrogen
by Edwin O.

January 21, 2025

in Mobility

Plasma Fuel

Credits: American Nuclear Society

Recent inventions have shown immense promise, and scientists have made a claim that could change the entire engineering area. They have introduced a fuel with the highest potential compared to any other fuel; it clearly surpasses electricity and hydrogen. It can be referred to as the ignition, and the promised effects that it can have on combustion engines are truly remarkable. With this new technology, an effective implementation of a different approach can be expected. This article discusses the science behind this discovery, its possible consequences, and its workings.

Plasma ignition explained: how it replaces outdated spark plugs

Instead of relying on screw-in diesel glass tubes, plasma ignition runs off controlled electronic bursts that are much more powerful and help ignite fuel faster. In contrast to a typical spark plug that creates a momentary electric spark, which is limited in nature and capacity, plasma ignition ensures complete fuel combustion in a more rapid and effective manner. As a result of this advancement, the pollutants released by the engine have been significantly lowered, and the fuel usage economy has improved, too.

Lastly, one strong point that can be made about plasma is its wide array of fuels that it can use, ranging from different biofuels to more promising options, making it a potential candidate for different sectors. Furthermore, the technology guarantees the ability to tackle thermal efficiency, a challenge many have faced when finding alternative energy sources.

The carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides formed from burning fossil fuels are greenhouse gases that most transport and combustion engines use. Transportation is responsible for one-third of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States alone. A barrage of measures and mechanisms has been designed to ameliorate this ecological concern; however, internal combustion engines still contribute strongly to pollution.

Why plasma ignition may change the game for the environmental sustainability targets?

By enhancing the combustion process and increasing the engine’s efficiency, plasma ignition technology reduces the emissions and fuel consumption of the vehicle. It does not promise the elimination of the emissions, but it’s progress nevertheless. This could help extend the life of combustion engines without violating global sustainability targets.

Though plasma ignition can be revolutionary, its application has some challenges that must be addressed. The ability of plasma technology is not as high as that of a few emerging technologies that have been developed or are in development. For example, solar-powered additions do not provide much more car range and might only interest campers and people who commute in sunnier climates.
In addition to that, the cost of adoption is another hurdle. It’s not hard to guess that plasma ignition systems are not cheap. At the moment, they cost around $10,000. This brings possibilities of mainstream use under question. Even if the tech is appealing, it needs to have considerable benefits over cost and be better than other systems to be used more widely.

The future of clean energy is sparked by a discussion on plasma ignition; why is that?

It should not be implemented, and the reasons are valid. However, the promise of plasma ignition technology is grand and is building up toward energy innovation. Plasma as an ignition method is a clear move away from fossil fuels and their dependence, which society as a whole is quickly growing tired of. And even other alternatives need to be addressed to cover the clean energy requirement. Rather than usurping existing approaches such as hydrogen and battery power, plasma ignition is expected to be an added technology to existing technologies.

Its capacity to curb greenhouse emission gases will be ascertained by its ability to function in the real world. For the time being, this technology is a vital element in ensuring an energy-sustainable future. The identification of plasma ignition as a form of “perfect fuel” technology heralds a significant breakthrough in the search for a clean alternative to energy. While it is apparent that other cleaner fuels technologies cannot be dispensed with, there is still some room for improvement, and new ones, such as fuel additives, are forth coming.

In conclusion, plasma ignition technology is intriguing and holds great promise as a breakthrough. When fused with other clean energy technologies, its enablement for a wide fuel range and its effective and flawless combustion alongside low emission levels all add to its advantages. On the other hand, only time will tell how this clean energy fuel technology will work when commercially produced.

No comments!
Factoid #1:

Is A Bigger Spark Plug Gap Better?

The larger the gap, the more voltage is required to span it. Most experts understand that increasing the gap size increases the spark area exposed to the air-fuel mixture, which improves combustion efficiency.

* My system incorporates a ~ 0.16'' or ~ 4 m.m. S shaped gap, superseding any industry or racing standard.
Factoid #2:
DENSO PDF excerpt:

''8. Conclusion

DENSO TEN have decided that it is impossible by the add-on method to the conventional ignition system to overcome the principled mechanism which disturbs to establish compatibility between ignition performance and durability performance in plasma ignition system, and to suspend the development in march 2017.''

* Mr. Digifant rejects a diplomatic solution, but, as far as I know, he is convinced to cooperate, finally.
The g60, @ 330000km, (1992 model), without any repair at all, never worked better, at idling, low revs or high.
Denso found their spark plugs to be consumed by the plasma arc. The one tip ground arc does it!
But with a 360° ground disc and a central electrode arching accordingly, a very low electrode wear is achieved.
Factoid #3

AI says:

"The maximum spark plug gap can vary depending on the specific application and engine design. In general, most spark plugs have a recommended spark plug gap range specified by the manufacturer, which typically falls between 0.028 inches (0.7 mm) and 0.060 inches (1.5 mm) for most gasoline engines.

For performance applications, including modified engines or race engines, the gap may be increased beyond the typical range to improve ignition performance, sometimes up to 0.065 inches (1.65 mm) or even slightly more, but this can lead to issues such as misfiring or difficulty starting, especially under high load or in adverse conditions."

(* factoid #1:
My system incorporates a ~ 0.16'' or ~ 4 m.m. S shaped gap, superseding any industry or racing standard, working perfectly under any circumstances!).

 Factoid #4:

AI says:

"Spark Plug Voltage Requirements

Typically, the voltage required to jump across a spark plug gap can be estimated. For a 4 mm gap, the ignition voltage can be significantly higher than for smaller gaps. Here’s a general guideline for spark plug gap voltages:

Gap Size (mm)Approx. Operating Voltage (kV)

* But we know that for a g60 Bosch, (or Beru), distributor cap, the ~ 30 KV is the limit!
How is it possible for a 4mm gap to work, (especially for a forced induction engine?)?

The answer is the "surface discharge" phenomenon which reduces the resistance, (at about the half), that the voltage has to overcome.
For the specific semi-surface discharge spark plugs, the gap is divided to 3mm surface and to 1mm air discharge, which is equal ~ to 2.5 mm gap or, (according to the above table), 20-25 kv, within the limits, (and with an enough margin for the extra demands, as it is obvious from the perfect operation), of the distributor cap, (with a modified copper central tab).
The Syncro Heresy.


(The car  of the above photo is equipped, (between others), with the  Heresy exclusive, Aircooled Reversed Triplet Halogen headlights, (Excellency edition), Syncrovention, and with the, Heresy exclusive, Surface Discharge Plasma ignition,  Syncrovention).  

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