Short stories with Passatitsa. (Bilingual usually).



(A 2012 story)

vs VW Passat b6


Από μακρυά είδα, στον καθρέπτη μου, δύο πυρωμένα φώτα ημέρας, να ψάχνουν διέξοδο μέσα στην κυκλοφορία.

Στην αριστερή, η Passatitsa, κύλησε ήρεμα έως το κόκκινο φανάρι, ενώ είδα ότι, καθώς προσπερνούσε και το τελευταίο εμπόδιο, ο οδηγός του Β6, εξέτασε τα γαλόνια της και ήρθε και στάθηκε δίπλα μου, ορεξάτος.

Πράσινο, πρώτη, λαχάνιασμα του Β6, σηκώνω ελαφρά το πόδι από το γκάζι και περιμένω, μήπως έκανα λάθος. Αλλαγή δευτέρα, 5.000/min, το Β6 δείχνει και πάλι σημάδια κόπωσης, αλλαγή σε τρίτη, βλέπω πως δεν έχει νόημα, υποθέτω πως είναι η "μικρή" έκδοση, με τους 140 hp.

Στο επόμενο φανάρι, ξανά δίπλα μου και ζητάει να μου μιλήσει.
Κατεβάζω το ηλεκτρικό, εικοσαετίας, παράθυρο, που χωρίς καμία επέμβαση, (βιβλίο service), εξακολουθεί και λειτουργεί άψογα,

Tο μόνο που του επιτρέπω να πει είναι: "μα".

"Εικοσαετίας Passatitsa", του φωνάζω από το ανοικτό παράθυρο, ενώ ήδη έχω βάλει πρώτη και η Passatitsa, πάντα πρόθυμη, έχει αρχίσει να ζωγραφίζει την, υγρή φυσικά, άσφαλτο και με τα τέσσερα.



      vs VW Passat b6

From afar I saw, in my mirror, two burning daylights, looking for a way out into the traffic.

On the left lane, Passatitsa, walked calmly up to the red traffic light, and I saw that, as he passed the last obstacle, the  driver of the b6 looked at her military badges and came and stood next to me, hotter.

Green light, first gear, panting of  the B6, I raise my foot slightly from the throttle and I wait, (did I make any mistake?). Changing to the second gear, 5,000 / min, the B6, again, shows signs of fatigue, change to third, I see it does not make sense, I guess it's the "small" version, with 140 hp.

At the next traffic light, he  asked  to speak to me.
I download the electric, twenty-years-old window, which, without any intervention, (service book,) still works and works perfectly,

And all I permit him to say is a “but”.

"Passatitsa twenty years," I shout from the open window, while, Passatitsa, always willing, has begun to paint the, wet, naturally, asphalt with all four.




vs BMW Z4

 Μία  αναφορά που, η αξία της, έχει πάντα να κάνει με τον παράγοντα ηλικία και το άγννωστο ιπτάμενο αντικείμενο που βλέπουν, οι άτυχοι, στον καθρέπτη τους. Βλέπετε η Passatitsa, στην Ελλάδα, πουλήθηκε μόνο σε 5 αντίτυπα, όπως με διαβεβαίωσαν απο την KARENTA.


'Οταν συναντάς

καλό είναι να ρωτάς τον κινητήρα...Ξεκινάει από 2,2 με 150 hp έως όσο νάναι...

Πάντως, ακόμα και αν είναι η "μικρή" έκδοση, δεν γίνεται η εικοσαετίας, (+), Passatitsa να είναι έτοιμη να ανάψει φώτα στην, (γνωστή), ανηφόρα με 180 (+) και να την γλιτώνει, (το Ζ4), μόνο επειδή έφθασε σε κίνηση...
Και επειδή αποκλείεται να ξέρει τα περί g60 κ.τ.λπ, βλέπει στον καθρέπτη του


δηλαδή ένα ακατανόητο τοπίο, που δεν σημαίνει για αυτόν απολύτως τίποτα...

Κάπου πρέπει να σκεπτόμαστε και την ψυχολογία του εκάστοτε άτυχου οδηγού, όπως του, συγκεκριμένου, Ζ4...".



vs BMW Z4

A reference the value of which  has to do with the age factor and the unidentified flying object they see, the unlucky, in their mirror. You see, Passatitsa, in Greece, was sold only in 5 copies, as KARENTA, (the official VW importer in Greece), assured me.

"Correctly...When you meet

It's good to ask the engine ... It starts from 2.2 with 150 hp and it goes up to the infinity.

However, even if it is the "small" version, it is not wise, a  20 years, (+), Passatitsa, to be ready to turn the lights on, (at the known), uphill, with 180 (+), and save it, (the Z4) , only because it came in traffic...

And because the driver is excluded from knowing the g60, etc, etc, he sees in his mirror...

 incomprehensible landscape, which does not mean anything to him ...

Somehow, we have to think about the psychology of the, unfortunate, Z4 driver... ".



vs Mercedes-Benz E 200 T Kompressor Classic 2008 





Engine type: Inline, 4 cylinder Max power: 183.7 PS (135 kW or 181 HP) at 5500 Rev. per min.

Max torque: 250.00 Nm (25.5 kgf-m or 184.4 ft.lbs) at 3500 Rev. per min.

Compression: 10.0:1 Bore x stroke: 82.0 x 85.0 mm (3.2 x 3.3 inches)

Double overhead cam (DOHC)

Top speed: 235.0 km/h (146.0 mph) 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph): 9.4 seconds

Weight:1720 kg (3,792.0 pounds)


"Μου έδωσε προτεραιότητα σε δεξιά στροφή σε παράδρομο της γνωστής ανηφόρας  και η διαίσθηση μου με...πληροφόρησε ότι ήθελε να δει περί τίνος πρόκειται.

Ευχαρίστησα και ξεκίνησα για να βγω στον κεντρικό δρόμο, την γνωστή, με δύο λωρίδες/κατεύθυνση, ανηφόρα.

Ακολούθησε με...αξιοπρέπεια, (Mercedes γαρ), σε λογική απόσταση ανάγνωσης των διακριτικών της Passatitsas, που βρίσκονται δεξιά πίσω.

Από το Κ.Δ.Β., βάσει πληροφοριών είπώθηκε, σήμανε όχι ερυθρός αλλά πορτοκαλί συναγερμός, που σημαίνει μόνο ανέβασμα παραθύρων και όχι σβήσιμο φώτων ημέρας.

Βγήκαμε στον κεντρικό δρόμο από την ειδική λωρίδα επιτάχυνσης, αλλάζοντας από δευτέρα σε τρίτη, στην δεξιά λωρίδα ενώ δεν ερχόταν άλλο αυτοκίνητο.

Τότε διαπιστώνω πως ανοίγεται στην αριστερή λωρίδα και η απόστασή μας αρχίζει να μειώνεται, γιατί ο kompresoratos Μερσεντεζάκιας έχει διάθεση προσπέρασης!

(Καλά δεν υπάρχει τσίπα σ΄αυτόν τον κόσμο ; )..

'Αλλη μια φορά το Κ.Δ.Β. (*) δικαιώνεται!

Φυσικά δεν είναι δυνατόν να επιτρέψω να συμβεί κάτι τέτοιο και έτσι πατάω γκάζι, με τρίτη είμαι, και οι στροφές ανεβαίνουν, ίσα-ίσα να εξισσοροπήσω την δική του αύξηση ταχύτητας, (δεν σανιδώνω).

Διαπιστώνω, όμως, μία ελαφριά υστέρηση του Mερσεντεζάκια, μόλις δηλαδή έδινα λίγο περισσότερο γκάζι από την...σωστή δόση για διατήρηση της διαφοράς, αύξανε η διαφορά.

Φτάνω τις 6.000/min και βάζω τετάρτη. Σανιδώνω γιατί έχασα 1' κατά την αλλαγή.

Η Passatitsa μουγκρίζει ευχαριστημένη που άφησα να ξεχυθούν ελεύθερα τα άλογά της στην ανηφόρα.

Αργά αλλά σταθερά η απόσταση μας αυξάνεται.

Ο Μερσεντεζάκιας εγκαταλείπει. (Με αξιοπρέπεια).

Εγκαταλείπω και...΄γω για να μην θεωρηθώ...Δον Κιχώτης.".

*  K.Δ.Β. = Το κέντρο επιχειρήσεων. (Κ.Δ.Β.=Κανείς δεν μας την βγαίνει).



vs Mercedes-Benz E 200 T Kompressor Classic 2008

Engine type: Inline, 4 cylinder Max power: 183.7 PS (135 kW or 181 HP) at 5500 Rev. per min.

Max torque: 250.00 Nm (25.5 kgf-m or 184.4 ft.lbs) at 3500 Rev. per min.

Compression: 10.0:1 Bore x stroke: 82.0 x 85.0 mm (3.2 x 3.3 inches)

Double overhead cam (DOHC)

Top speed: 235.0 km/h (146.0 mph) 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph): 9.4 seconds

Weight:1720 kg (3,792.0 pounds)

"He gave me a priority on a right turn in a sidewalk of the known uphill,  and my intuition  ... informed me that he wanted to see what it is about. 

I thanked and started to go out on the main street, the familiar, with two lanes / direction, uphill.

 Followed with ... dignity, (since it was a  Mercedes), at a reasonable reading distance of the Passatitsa's military badges, located right behind.  

From the K.D.B., (*), according to the informations, it was meant not a red but an  orange alarm, which means only raising the windows and not turning off the daylights.

 We went to the main street from the special accelerator lane, changing from the second to th third gear, on the right lane while no other car was coming. 

Then I see that he opens on the left lane and our distance begins to decrease, because the compressor Mercedes man  has an overtaking mood!
 (Well, there is no shame in this world?).

 Once again, the K.D.B. is justified!

 Of course, it is not possible to let this happen, so I'm pushing the throttle, with a third I am, and the r.p.m. go up, just to equalize his own speed increase, (not fully accelerating). 

But I noticed a slight lag of the Mersenteszky, when just giving a little bit more throttle than the...correct to maintain the difference, the difference increased. 

I reached  6.000 / min and engaged the fourth. 

 I pressed the throttle fully because I lost 1' at the change. 

Passatitsa growls pleased that I let her horses  to float up to the hill  freely.

Slowly, but steadily, our distance is growing up. 

Mersenteszky quits, (with dignity). 

I quit, too,  not to be considered as a...Don Quixote. "

* K.D.B.= War center. (From the Greek K.Δ.Β.= Κανείς δεν μας την βγαίνει = nobody is capable of competing to us). 




To κακό με αυτές τις κόντρες είναι ότι συνήθως δεν είναι εύκολο να διακρίνει κανείς την έκδοση του μοντέλου του "αντίπαλου" και, έτσι, δεν μπορούν να γίνουν εκτιμήσεις.

Εχθές βράδυ π.χ., ανέβαινα χαλαρά, (*), την Αττική οδό στο ρεύμα από Μαρκόπουλο προς Ελευσίνα.

Στην μεγάλη ανηφόρα πριν την γέφυρα με τα ξενοδοχεία, και ενώ ήμουν στο αριστερό ρεύμα και ακολουθούσαν και άλλοι, βλέπω στον καθρέπτη μου κάποιον με φώτα ΗΙD να αναβοσβήνει τους προβολείς για να παραμερίσουν όλοι να περάσει.

Απόρησα με το θράσος του.

Πάντως ο ένας μετά τον άλλον κάναμε δεξιά για να περάσει.

Περίμενα να δω τι είναι αυτό που τόσο απαιτητικά θέλει να προηγηθεί!

Βλέπω λοιπόν, μετά από λίγο, να με προσπερνάει ένα:

Όχι ρε γαμώτο, σκέπτομαι, πάλι ενδοοικογενειακούς καβγάδες θα έχουμε!

Βρεθήκαμε στην μεγάλη ανοικτή καμπή, στον κόμβο προς περιφερειακό Υμηττού. 
Πρώτη φορά έτρεχα έτσι! (Στο σημείο αυτό :lol:). 

Μια φλασιά στο κοντέρ και βλέπω 1+1 10! (Υπ΄όψη ότι με τα μεγαλύτερης διαμέτρου ελαστικά που έχω τοποθετήσει το κοντέρ μου πρέπει να μην "κερδίζει" το κλασσικό 5-7%).
(21/May/2017, ενημέρωση: επιβεβαιώθηκε με το GPS).

Ο οδηγός του CUPRA, (η το CUPRA), έδειχνε να έχει τερματίσει.

Έχασα το ενδιαφέρον μου και εγκατέλειψα...

* Στην πρώτη "σκάλα" που έχει το γκάζι του passat, όπου "κτυπάει" 140-150 km/h".



"One bad thing about this road "competition" is that it is not easy, usually,  to distinguish the version of the "rival "model and so no estimates can be made.

Any way, yesterday evening, for example, I  was driving loosely, (*), at  the Attiki Street, in the stream from Markopoulo to Elefsina.

On the big hill before the hotel bridge, and while I was on the left lane and followed by others, I see in my mirror someone  playing   his HID,  in order  to pass.

I impressed with his audacity.

However, one after the other, we did right to let him to pass.

I waited to see what was so much demanding!

After a while, I saw this, overtaking anyone:


No fuckin ', I'm thinking, innerfamily squabbles we'll have again! 

We were in the big open bend at the junction to the peripheral of the Hymettus mountain.  

First time I was running so much! (At this specific point :lol:).
A flash to the speedometer and I see 1 + 1 10! 

 (Keep in mind that with my taller than the normal tires, the speedometer does not precedes the classic 5-7%).
(21/May/2017, confirmed by the GPS).

The CUPRA driver, (or the CUPRA), seemed to have finished. 

I lost my interest and I quit ...

 * In the first "ladder" that has the throttle of the passat, where it "beats" 140-150 km / h ".




Σε ελαφριά ανηφόρα με ένα Volvo 2,5t, 4wd. (Haldex).


Max speed 210 kph (130.2 mph)

0 - 100 kph 8.1 s

Engine Power 154 kw (207 bhp / 209 ps)

Torque 320 Nm (237 lb-ft)

Displacement 2.5 liters (153 ci)

Engine type inline5 Turbo Engine location front

General data Gearbox 5 speed stick Drive all wheel drive

Year of introduction 2004

Home country Sweden

Curb weight 1796 kg (3951 lbs) +

Μέχρι τα 200 km/h ισοδύναμοι. (Με μικροδιαφορές + - στις επιταχύνσεις).

Πάνω από τα 200 km/h., έχανε σιγά-σιγά έδαφος.



At a slight slope vs a Volvo 2,5t, 4wd, Estate. (Haldex).


Max speed 210 kph (130.2 mph)

0 - 100 kph 8.1 s

Engine Power 154 kw (207 bhp / 209 ps)

Torque 320 Nm (237 lb-ft)

Displacement 2.5 liters (153 ci)

Engine type inline5 Turbo Engine location front

General data Gearbox 5 speed stick Drive all wheel drive

Year of introduction 2004

Home country Sweden

Curb weight 1796 kg (3951 lbs) +

Up to 200 km/h., more or less equal. (With slight differences +, -, at accelerations).

Ubove 200 km/h., Volvo started to loose ground, step by step.




vs BMW 520I


Nόμισα πως έτρεχε πολύ...

...στην γνωστή μου ανηφόρα, με δύο λωρίδες ανά κατεύθυνση και νησίδα στο κέντρο, μου άναψε φώτα, τον άφησα, για να δω τι είναι, και στην συνέχεια, με τετάρτη και 4.000 στροφές έως 6.000/min, "καθάρισα", φορτωμένος με 200 kgr., (τουλάχιστον), ενώ ένας ελαφρύς,  υψίσιχνος, συριγμός του κομπρέσσορα θύμιζε απογείωση τζετ...

Όλοι απόρησαν, εμού συμπεριλαμβανόμενου...και μεταμορφούμενου από...εμού σε...παγώνι...



I thought it was very fast...

vs BMW 520I


... in my familiar uphill, with two lanes per direction and a islet in the center, he played lights, I let him to see what it is, and then, with 4000 rpm accelerating up to 6000 rpm, I "cleaned" up, loaded with 200 kgr., (at least), while, a light, high-pitched, whistle of the compressor imitated a jet takeoff ...

Everyone on the road was excited, including me,  transforming myself,  from an emu, (myself = the emu bird in the Greek),  to ...a  peacock ...




 vs Fiat Abarth 500


Σας αφήνω λίγο να μαντέψετε.... 

...το λοπόν...

...ξεκίνησα από φανάρι με δευτέρα, θεωρώντας τον αντίπαλο...αστείο!

Αναγκάστηκα να σταματήσω όταν έφθασα περίπου 6.500/min. για...κοινωνικούς λόγους.

Αποτέλεσμα: μέχρι εκεί ισοδύναμοι έως μία ελάχιστη, πραγματικά ελάχιστη όμως, αν δεν ήταν της φαντασίας μου, υπεροχή του g60.

Bravo Abarth!



 vs Fiat Abarth 500


I am giving you sometime  to guess ....


... I started off a traffic light with the second gear, considering my opponent as ... a funny one!

I was forced to stop when I reached about 6,500 / min.. For ... social reasons.

Result: up to the equivalent to a minimal, really minimal though, if it was not my imagination, superiority of the g60.

Bravo Abarth!




vs Jeep Rubicon

Eντάξει, ίσως λίγο άδικο...αλλά ενδεικτικό.

Πρόκειται για σύγχρονο, τελευταίας τεχνολογίας, ακριβό και ισχυρό, κατά πολλούς, αυτοκίνητο.

Και όταν ο οδηγός και ιδιοκτήτης του βλέπει στον δρόμο ένα...υπερυψωμένο, (πλέον), Passat Syncro...20ετίας, (και βάλε), είναι λογικό να αισθάνεται ότι κάποιος παρείσακτος μπαίνει στα χωράφια του!

Μιλάμε για τούτο εδώ:


Πρόσεξα πως με ακολουθούσε με άγριες διαθέσεις. Στο φανάρι λοιπόν έκανα άκρη στην δεξιά λωρίδα και ήρθε στην αριστερή.

Ξεκίνημα και τα έδωσε όλα! Κατέβασα το παραθύρι για να ακούω, και ο κινητήρας του ήταν έτοιμος να εκραγεί σε κάθε αλλαγή.

Κατάλαβα πως η υπόθεση ήταν αστεία...Έπαιξα με το μισό γκάζι, μέχρι εκεί που κάνει ένα κλικ και μου δίνει το 1/4 της ιπποδύναμης, (περίπου), όπως έχω υπολογίσει, το σημείο δηλαδή που προτείνει ο κατασκευαστής για οικονομική, μάλλον, οδήγηση.

Προηγήθηκα σταθερά, στις δύο πρώτες αλλαγές, μισό καπώ. Στην τρίτη με πέρασε περίπου μισό καπώ. Νόμισες ότι όπου νάναι η μηχανή του Jeep θα εκραγεί!

Τελικά βύθισα στο πάτωμα το γκάζι και ο, (άσχημος),  όγκος του, έγινε γρήγορα μία μικρή κουκκίδα στον καθρέπτη μου.

Στην ιστορία αυτή όμως είχαμε κάποιον ενδιαφερόμενο θεατή...

Δείτε την επόμενη ιστορία για την συνέχεια. (# 9 vs Opel Insignia)


vs Jeep Rubicon

Okay, maybe a little unfair ... but indicative. It is a modern, state-of-the-art, expensive and powerful, car, according to many. And when the driver, and owner, sees on the street an ... elevated, (now), passat syncro ... 20 years old, (+), it is sensible to feel that an intruder enters in his fields! We are talking about this here:



I noticed that he followed me vividly. So at the traffic light, I turned on the right lane and he came on the left.

Getting started and he gave everything! I opened the window to listen, and his engine was ready to explode at every change.

I realized the case as a funny one... I played half the accelerator, until the middle click where it  gives the 1/4 of the horsepower (about), as I have figured out, the point suggested by the manufacturer for economic, rather , driving.

I preceded firmly in the first two changes, half a hood. In the third change he preceded half a hood . It seemed as wherever the Jeep's engine was going to explode!

Eventually, I  floored  the throttle and, it's, (ugly), figure,  quickly became a small dot in my mirror.

But, in this story, there was an interested spectator.

Give a look to the next story in order to see what happened, (#9, vs Opel Insignia.). 

# 9


vs Opel Insignia

Παρακάτω λοιπόν συνάντησα ένα OPEL INSIGNIA.

Όχι όμως το γνωστό αυτό εδώ:

Aλλά ένα άλλο, που έβλεπα πρώτη φορά, ένα VARIANT:

O οδηγός του, βλέποντας μάλλον την προαναφερόμενη ιστορία με το Jeep, (# 8), θέλησε να δει τι γίνεται και με προσπέρασε από δεξιά με, περίπου, 120 χλμ., ενώ πήγαινα με 80, περίπου, χλμ. στην αριστερή.

Ξέροντας λίγα για το αυτοκίνητο, θεώρησα ότι "δεν πιάνεται", ωστόσο κατέβασα σε τρίτη και η "διαδικασία" ξεκίνησε.

Πλησιάζοντας στην γνωστή ανηφόρα, είδα με έκπληξη ότι η διαφορά μας άρχισε να μειώνεται με ρυθμό...καλό.

Στο τέλος ο OPELάκιας έκανε δεξιά, (βγάζοντας και φλας), και ζήτησε συγνώμη, εμ,.... θέλω να πω.... τον προσπέρασα και είδα μετά ότι κάπου έστριψε δεξιά.

Ίσως λοιπόν απλά έφτασε στον προορισμό του....Δεν θα μάθω ποτέ...

Αλλά... κυκλοφορούν και άλλα INSIGNIA...


# 9


vs Opel Insignia

 So, after a while, I met an OPEL INSIGNIA. Not the well  known here:
But another one,  seen by me for the first time, a VARIANT:

His driver, being a witness to the, previously mentioned, Jeep story, (# 8), wanted to see what was going on and overtaken me from the right, having, about 120 km, while I was driving at about 80 km to the left.

Knowing little about the car, I thought that it was "not catchable", but I shifted to the third and the "process" started.

Approaching the familiar hill, I saw, with surprise, that our difference began to decline at a pace ... good.

In the end, Opeletzky did right, (with right  flash), and apologized to me , oh, e ...., hm,  I want to say .... I passed him and then saw that somewhere turned right.

May be he just got to his destination .... I will never know ...

But...there are and other INSIGNIAs....


# 10  


vs Honda type R

Στην Αττική οδό...

Επιτάχυνε με δευτέρα, ακολουθούσα με τρίτη, και ήταν σαφώς ταχύτερο.

Από το Κ.Δ.Μ.Β., (είπαμε = κανείς δεν μας την βγαίνει), δόθηκε αμέσως το σήμα του ερυθρού συναγερμού για την λήψη όλων των απαραίτητων μέτρων:

1)σβήσιμο φώτων ημέρας, για εξοικονόμηση, έστω, κάποιων δεκάτων του ίππου.

2)κλείσιμο των τζαμιών, για την βελτίωση της αεροδυναμικής.

Και ενώ τα πάντα ήταν έτοιμα για μία, ε, χμ, σοβαρή αναμέτρηση, ο "type r" έβγαλε φλας εκτός πορείας, προς αεροδρόμιο!

Tέλος πάντων, αυτοί οι HONDAκηδες πρόκειται να σοβαρευτούν;


# 10


vs Honda type R

On the "Attiki Odos", high way.

He accelerated with the second, followed by me with the third, and he was  faster, clearly.

From the K.D.B., (war center), the red alert signal was immediately given to take all the necessary measures:

1) to turn off the daylights, saving some tenths of the horse.

2) to lift up the glasses, to improve the aerodynamics.

And, while everything was ready for one, uh, serious showdown, the "type r" turned off the road to the airport!

Anyway, these HONDA kings are, ever, going to be serious?


# 11


vs Passat cc

Όπως ξαναείπαμε,  τo κακό με αυτές τις κόντρες είναι ότι συνήθως δεν είναι εύκολο να διακρίνει κανείς την έκδοση του μοντέλου του "αντίπαλου" και, έτσι, δεν μπορούν να γίνουν εκτιμήσεις.


Τέλος πάντων, ξεκίνησα από φανάρι παράδρομου στην μεγάλη ανηφόρα με τις δύο λωρίδες ανά κατεύθυνση και την νησίδα στην μέση, χωρίς να με ακολουθεί κανείς.

Όταν άνοιξε το ρεύμα του κεντρικού δρόμου, είχα ήδη προηγηθεί πολύ.

Αποφάσισα πως δεν θα επέτρεπα σε κανένα να πλησιάσει περισσότερο από ένα όριο.

Τότε είδα κάποιον, με τα φώτα ημέρας αναμμένα, να ρίχνεται στο κυνήγι.

Η ταχύτητα μου στην κορυφή της ανηφόρας άγγιξε τα 200 χλμ., με πέμπτη και με συνεχή επιτάχυνση.

Δεν κατάφερε ποτέ να μικρύνει, ούτε ελάχιστα, την απόσταση που μας χώριζε.

Στο φανάρι που σταμάτησα για να στρίψω αριστερά, ήρθε δίπλα μου κοιτάζοντας έκπληκτος, (τουλάχιστον έτσι έδειχνε).

Ήταν ένα cc σε μία κόντρα 20ου vs 21ου αιώνα. Η, αν θέλετε, της μάχιμης VW motorsport του 1990, (φορώντας πολιτικά), με την ιλουστρασιόν σημερινή.


# 11


  vs Passat cc

As we have already seen, the bad thing about these issues is that it is usually not easy to distinguish the version of the "opponent" model, and so no estimates can be made.
Anyway, I started off a traffic light on the high uphill with the two lanes in each direction without anyone following me.

When on the main road, I had already gone a long way.

I decided that I would not allow anyone to approach more than one limit.

Then I saw someone, with the daylight lit, throwing himself into the hunt.

My speed at the top of the hill touched 200 km/h, with the  fifth and continuous acceleration.

He has never succeeded in narrowing, even minimally, the distance that separated us.

At the traffic light, I stopped to turn left.  He came next to me looking astonished, (at least that's what he looked like).

It was a cc to a battle of the 21tst century vs the 20th. Or, if you like, of a combat unit of the '90s VW MOTORSPORT, with civilian clothes, vs a nowadays glossy one.


# 12


vs Mercedes C350 CDI e class coupe

Θα δεχτώ όλες τις ενστάσεις σας. 

Ότι το έστρωνε. 

Ότι ο οδηγός ήταν κουλός. 

H ότι ήταν diesel. 

Η ότι άλλο θέλετε.

Το γεγονός είναι ότι, παρά τις φιλότιμες προσπάθειες που κατέβαλε, στα, επικίνδυνα εσάκια της Κατεχάκη προς Αττική οδό, η Passatitsa έδωσε ρέστα, κινούμενη πεισματικά σε ράγες ανεξάρτητα από την ταχύτητα που της επέβαλα, χωρίς να χάνει χιλιοστό.

Aυτές οι καταβολές...
# 12

 vs Mercedes C350 CDI e class coupe


 I will accept all your objections.

That he was in engine break-in.

That the driver was crazy.

Or that was a diesel.

Or anything else you want.

The fact is that, despite the great efforts he made, on the dangerous Katehaki's road, to the Attiki Odos road, narrow, s conjunction, Passatitsa gave a steady, stormy, move, as if on a train rail, irrespective of the speed I imposed on her, without losing a single cm..

 Deep are the roots....


# 13


vs Honda Varadero 

  Σε εκείνους που λένε, (πολύ λογικά), ότι κάνω λάθος, ότι οι "αντίπαλοι" αυτοί απλά πάνε στην δουλειά τους, απαντώ:

Ναι, όπως αυτός ο μοτοσικλετιστής, με την Varadero, που είδε το "g60" και το "syncro" στα γαλόνια, (της passatitsas), και άρχισε, σε, ερημικό, επαρχιακό, στενό δρόμο με αλλεπάλληλα εσάκια, να γκαζώνει με τον xenon προβολέα του στους καθρέπτες μου.

Στην δουλειά του πήγαινε, απλά έφτασα, (με ασφάλεια και χωρίς ούτε την ελάχιστη έκθεση, (δική του  η δική μου), σε περιττούς κινδύνους ),  πολύ πριν από αυτόν, με ένα VCT να διαπρέπει σε ένα λαμπρό, αδιάλειπτο και ακριβές, Torque Vectoring. (χα χα χα).


# 13


vs Honda Varadero


To those who say, (quite logically), that I am wrong, that these "rivals" just go to their job, I answer:

Yes, like this motorcyclist, with Varadero, who saw the "g60" and the "syncro" in , (the passatitsas), war emblems and started on a deserted, provincial, narrow street with successive Sses, blasting his xenon headlight into my mirrors.

To his work he went, too, I just arrived, (safely and without the slightest exposure, (his or my own), to any unnecessary danger), long before him, with a VCT to excel in a brilliant, seamless and accurate Torque Vectoring. (ha ha ha).


# 14


vs (unknown) Audi

My next short story is coming!

It is "Passatitsa vs UFO", since I was not able to understand what, exactly, was this Audi hovering above the road without touching, almost, his wheels on the ground!

Don't worry, be happy, Passatitsa, (for sure), is not the ultimate, ever...

(Do you see? I can hear you!). ha ha ha 

13/June/2017 Update

So, I was approaching to stop to the red light when I saw, through my mirror, the day lights of a very low sitting Audi. It seemed as an A6 but  I can guess, only.

Although anyone on the road, approaching the red, was managing to stop properly, the driver, of this crazy Audi, was driving, dangerously, through the gaps of the cars, overtaking continuously , and  coming to my right, finally.

From the  K.D.B., (the fighting center), all the necessary orders were given. 

The green light came on, very unexpectedly, and when I was trying to follow the proper sequence of actions.

Anyway, first gear and Passatitsa headed on, comfortably, 3-5 cm, when, as I thought to change to the second gear, the crazy Audi, (never was fast enough to saw what it was), with a Groar sound, launched ahead, one car, and after that, and when I was trying to see which model it is, (changing, simultaneously, gears), it took off, made me have the feeling of a stationary object!

This car, (or his driver), must be absolutely illegal according to the laws of this, of the next and of the next to the next generations! Without declaring your model, (and your horse power), you cannot do that! Phew!


 # 15


vs Mini Cooper S Clubman 

Have you ever thought of a car that was made before your born?  And how do you feel about it?

He was less than 25. Into his Mini Cooper S Clubman, he came on my right at the red light.

His age was a guarantee that this old Passat on the left, (a Passat wasn't it?), was, somehow, more or less, a prehistorical object, something made before his existence.

The Cooper S, although points out to another, prehistorical, glorious car, is a nowadays car with much from everything and:
  • 1.6L I-4 Engine
  • 6-spd man w/OD Transmission
  • 172 @ 5,500 rpm Horsepower
  • 177 @ 1,600 rpm Torque
  • front-wheel Drive type
So it is/was obvious  that, very easily, he will was able to overtake the old thing in order to take the left lane and,  on the next light, turn on the left to go to his job.

The outside temperature was 32° C, and we, both, had our clima on. (But just a moment! This 25 years old Passat has clima?).

Anyway, green light on and Mr. Clubman, sure for his absolute superiority, spinning his wheels almost was touching Passatitsas right side, thought that there cannot be anything after his rapid acceleration.

You see, at the beginning, I couldn't imagine such a behavior and accelerated modesty.

After that, with the second gear, Passatitsa using all the g60's torque, posing, slightly, as a BMW 2002, (for those who still remember), gained one and two cars, up to the next red light.

Finally, he came again on my right, (a century after his born), staring at Passatitsa, forgetting that he was going to turn on the left, continuing his way straight ahead.

(Or I may have wrong?).


 # 16 

 Bon pour l'ouest?

vs Jeep Wrangler (Unlimited).

For the Europe there are two editions: the petrol one of the video with 280 hp, and a diesel one with 200 hp, (for both add an "about").

The stage of this event was here: (The "Attiki odos" highway).

From the previous toll station Jeep's owner saw Passatitsas war emblems...suspiciously. 
"What the hell are these "g60" and "syncro"..."

We started from the toll station, from different posts, almost simultaneously, me having a little advancement. 
Accelerating, calmly, on the left lane, as I was changing from the third to the forth gear,  I saw the Jeep trying to overcome.
Simply by pressing, all the way down, the gas pedal  it was sure that, whatever edition was this "unlimited", there was no chance for it. 

Slowly, in the beginning, and  faster gradually and continuously, my tachometer, with the 4th gear engaged, in a mutual harmonic syncronization with Passatitsas g-lader, reached the red line, in a delirium of high pitch sound and high g's, (60), acceleration. (~ 180 + km/h).

This bridge you see in the above photo, is a check point for the speed, with cameras. The limit is 120 km/h, (130 in reality), and must be respected since an expensive ticket and administrative measures are awaiting.

From the above drone photo, (simulation), you can see that Passatitsa was able to decelerate for the check point, (accelerating afterwards), keeping a big distance from the Jeep, which was coming at full power, since it was enough before the bridge's check point. 

The road, at this point, has a slope of ~ 10%, which is a very happy situation for the, (relatively light), Passatitsa.

Having a look at the towing specs of this Jeep model:

I saw 3500 lbs towing capacity? (=1.588 kgr).

(For the diesel edition, I saw, from Sweden a 2.200 kgr capacity).

Vs the 1.900 kgr of Passatitsa's! It is a little bit strange isn't it?



An international phenomenon!

"Been traveling for awhile so I have some messages to respond to. The girl is running strong. Turning heads and making me smile every moment. Some recent pics below. The best reaction is quote, "What is that f*cking car?". And , "Is that a diesel Passat??" And having old and young people come up and ask, "Is that car real?" Hard to know what to say sometimes. Standard responds had been that it's a car VW should have made."
(Confirmed! The same phenomenon  here, (Greece), not only by the Greeks, but even by the German tourists).

* Due to the strange Photobucket's policy, all the hosted photos are deleted, so, the cute photo of the above mentioned car is deleted, too.

Unfortunately,  unusually, forgot to backup the photo.

So let's imagine one, which is not, but, which it could be:






vs BMW 320 (2010-2012)

BMW's driver got panicked, as I was approaching mercilessly at 180 km/h (+), and started  changing lanes and flash indicators, for a moment, without any reason: 

                                 "Oh my God! What is this?"

Never Darkens

And all these in one day?

No, is too much....



vs Toyota C-HR

       "A car for the town Hipsters".                                                A g60 4wd Syncro car. 
                                                                                        (Apparently, not a town Hipsters' car).

                                                                       (Highway blues). 

Going, loosely, at home, having 100 kgr load into the trunk, saw suddenly this new Toyota flashing lights. 

The road, a challenging one, mentioned in my previous stories, since, usually,  is traffic free with two rows per direction, having a wide islet in the middle, and with very few and insignificant side crossroads.

But, most importantly, is an uphill road, so many drivers, rather unintentionally, are trying to check their drives.

It is very interesting and exciting, for sure, to be in a shiny new car, with all the late fancy technology.

Now if the same feelings persist after  you have met a 25 years old car, which you don't know exactly what it is, apart the VW emblem,  is questionable.

You see, flashing your lights at this geriatric VW, in order to free this wide and challenging road to check your new car, going uphill, you have the feeling that something is wrong, your car cannot follow, and most importantly, in a few minutes the geriatric, (according to your opinion), old thing, is far-far away in the front of you, at the top of the low hill, having no hope to catch any more. (But you cannot follow, at least, even with the highway blues, because your SUV is not a real SUV, is not a 4wd car. You see, when you bought it, the hipsters didn't know what it is or what to do with the 4wd. That's why there are now manufacturers which produce SUVs without 4wd at all, not even as an option!).

With 1320 kgr. (about), and 140 hp at most, (best case scenario, at least for the moment), there was, really, no chance, even me having 100 kgr, extra load into the trunk. (Passatitsa: ~200 hp, ~1380 kgr., with the current configuration and, of course, 4wd).

Very funny!



vs forest

These are two hills separated by a small valley.

The west, higher, part is covered by a very nice Attica pin forest. The east, lower part, is half destroyed by fire, five years ago, having a strong regeneration by the nature. All these are obvious at the next, (low quality unfortunately), photo:

After a very steep and rough terrain climbing, here we are:

After the cleaning of  the forest, a lot of burned firewood garbage remained, like this:

Which may be cleaned up going there:

Like this:

Unloaded or loaded, a fun to drive home. 

Going downwards, the hill descent control, (the handbrake  applied, through the vct, to all the four wheels), proved very useful.

# 21


This page is dedicated to stories with my Passat, as it is obvious.

Today I will make an exception to this rule posting a sweet Canadian story from a Canadian former owner:

The One That Got Away

For us as car enthusiasts, we’ve all had a car we regret selling.  A car that meant more to us then all the rest. A car that was just a little more special than the others.  It doesn’t have to be a great car or a classic or an expensive car.  It’s just a car that you owned that for whatever reason meant a lot to you and that you’d buy back in heartbeat if you found it tomorrow.  For me, that was my second car, a 1992 Volkswagen Passat G60 syncro.
In the summer of 1991 I was preparing to go away to university in Canada’s capital, Ottawa which is about a 4 – 5 hour drive from Toronto and my Father insisted that I needed an all-wheel-drive car.  Ottawa and Eastern Ontario get far more snow than Toronto and he wanted me to be safe on those long drives between home and school.  The car he decided on was the Passat G60 syncro.  It’s odd that we got this car in Canada while it wasn’t sold in the US.  The previous generation Passat, called the Quantum in the US and sold with AWD as the Quantum syncro was never sold in Canada.  So this was a Passat with the supercharged 1.8L G60 engine from the Corrado and a part-time AWD system developed by Daimler-Steyr-Puch (now Magna-Steyr) of Austria that utilized a viscous coupling.  That name may not be familiar but they built the famous 4WD and 6WD Pinzgauer and they also designed and continue to build the Mercedes G-Wagon. It was the same viscus coupling-equipped AWD system used in the Golf Rallye that sent 90% of the torque to the front wheels under normal conditions and could send up to 90% to the rear wheels when needed.   The car also had forged Fuchs wheels which someone told me were magnesium but I was never able to confirm that and it was only available with a 5-speed manual.
The car had a lot of features that made it a great long-distance winter cruiser.  Heated seats and mirrors, heated windshield washer nozzles, ABS brakes, headlight washers and a gigantic 9-litre (2.4 gallon) washer fluid tank.  And those headlight washers were really useful in winter because that car had the worst headlights of any car I’ve owned.  They were dim to begin with and the accumulation of salt and snow on a night drive in the winter meant they got a whole lot dimmer as you drove so it was great to be able to clean them off while driving.  The car also had a 70-litre (18.5 gallon) fuel tank which meant I could make the drive between Ottawa and Toronto on less than a tank of gas while exceeding the speed limit the whole way.  The trunk was huge – though slightly smaller than the FWD Passat due to its independent rear suspension and rear diff and the rear seats reclined so it easily and often transported 4 us with luggage for a weekend home.

That car was fantastic in the snow.  Well, it was far less than fantastic in the snow with the all season tires it came with and I soon installed a set of snow tires and that made all the difference in the world.  That thing was a like a little tank and it’s why we nicknamed it “Volks Panzer”.  I drove through some very hairy snow storms and that car never set a wheel wrong, just tons of grip and no slip and I always felt very confident driving it but never over-confident and hence why I never ended up in a ditch.  And there wasn’t any noticeable change in the car’s behavior as power was transferred between the front and rear.  It was a remarkable system considering how simple and compact it was.
FWD Passat torsion beam rear suspension
Passat syncro independent rear suspension
That car was a cold weather champ.  Ottawa winters are a lot colder than they are in Toronto as I soon found out.  Temperatures in January and February were typically -40 Celsius (-40 F) with the wind chill with it dipping to -50 Celsius (-58 F) on a few occasions. That’s the kind of cold that just makes you angry when it hits you.  It freezes your eyelashes and the hair in your nose and makes cars refuse to start.  I had outdoor parking at my apartment so my car was constantly buried in snow but every spot had its own electrical outlet for block heaters which I soon added to the car along with an electric battery blanket.   That car never once refused to start even on the coldest days and that’s when those heated seats were really worth their weight in gold!
There were a lot road trips made in that car between Ottawa and Toronto with friends from school. Trips home for Thanksgiving and Christmas or just for the hell of it.  Many times we went to school with the car packed up so we could hit the road right after class and get to Toronto as soon as possible.  Weekends home were always so busy trying to visit friends and family and were over in a flash so getting there fast was key.  And I’ll admit that a few land speed records were set and I have a personal-best time that will never be broken because I’ll never be young and fearless like that ever again.  And I’m proud that despite my excessive speed, I never got a speeding ticket on those trips in that car.  And FYI, radar detectors are illegal in the Province of Ontario so I had no early warning system.
That car was special to me.  It was a unique model that was sold in Canada in small numbers, but it was so much more than that.  We all have our dream cars.  That 6 or 7-figure hyper car we’d buy if we hit the lottery.  But those aren’t the cars that mean the most to us.  My Passat wasn’t a dream car, it was just an oddly-styled VW sedan that never occupied anyone’s dreams.  The car itself, what it was and what it did, is only half the reason why it’s so special to me and maybe even less than that.  It’s the memories of that time of my life, of moving away from home to university and living on my own in my own apartment.  It’s the new friends I met and the hours we spent together in that car on those road trips.  It’s the music we listened to and the stories and laughs we had along the way.  It’s a reminder of the one time in my life that I was carefree and truly living in the moment and loving every minute of it.
So nice reference really! Thank you.
# 22

05 September 2023




Going to the capital, on a 4 lanes route, (2+2), easy, at about 100km/h, on the right lane, a massive suv shaded the sun, stopping at the red light.


It was a Range Rover Hybrid HSE with a driver trying to go before the green light, he seemed to be furious.


My passatitsa with ABT kit, having 200 hp and 240 km/h maximum speed, took the message.


The ugly animal, as I saw later, has two engines which, combined, give 398 hp, but this horse power must remove everything, from tv’s, very fat seats, enormous, aerodynamic, height, heavy batteries, e.t.c, e.t.c.,  weighting…2.500 kgr, finally!


Starting after the green light, I let him to proceed. It seems that all the heaviness of the giant was accelerating rapidly using its…8 speed, (fragile as will see later), heavy, auto gearbox but not faster than my passat g60 Syncro ABT, which was there at every bit.

Approaching to the 100 km (x2), the Range showed a little bit slower, having a maximum speed of 220 km/h vs the 240 km/h of my passatitsa.  


Coming back at home tried to find information about the car with the label, on the rear lid “hybrid hse”.


And then I saw this:


“The car had been a delight to run for half a year… right up until the point that it stopped working, rather catastrophically.”


And this:


(A Range, with super duper electronics, screens, bars and furnitures, struggling to move, even 1 cm, vs a humble (?) Syncro t3 camper, with the unbeatable technology of 2 lockers, a central diff with auto locking and a gelande for rocks and walls crowling).

This is exactly what the Heresy is trying to say. 
Please, come to the Heresy.